Helping Organisations Thrive with Julian Roberts

Helping organisations thrive is a podcast to provide leaders with insights, discussions and robust strategies to help their companies thrive. We will be interviewing business leaders, owners and experts and thought leaders in the field of business resilience. Hosted by Julian Roberts - Helping Individuals and Organisations Unlock Their Human Potential, Build Growth Strategies, and Cultivate a Resilient Culture | Executive Leadership Coach. If you are looking for a Blueprint to help you and your business manage uncertainty, deal with failure and navigate change then reach out to Julian at the website below:

Monday May 30, 2022
Monday May 30, 2022
Intent on changing the way people interact, author Patrick Aylward is having a global impact with his ideas on collaboration. He shares how collaboration leads to opportunities and innovation; whereas mediation, debate and conflict resolution close down this potential to innovate and grow. Where conflict resolution is inherently reactive, collaboration is proactive.
Patrick is a former litigation lawyer, and author of The Collaborative Path. He defines collaboration as the pursuit of dual outcomes, creating solutions to situations and building stronger human relationships: "What's different in my approach to collaboration compared to conflict resolution or 'getting to yes' is that I address where conflict comes from, and what we can do to prevent it, whereas the field addresses what to do after conflict arises. Getting to 'yes' becomes about how to negotiate after negotiations have broken down. Conflict doesn't arise from differences, conflict arises from the fact that we use the debate model to discuss the differences."
Patrick talks about the importance of having a curious approach, rather than one of judgement, and to consider the opportunities that may be in the differences. He explains that perspectives are often presented as truth, which is not the case; and that debate slows innovation as it always favours the status quo. "We can't debate without being judgemental, in the same way we can't collaborate without being curious."
Watch the full episode on YouTube:
Connect with Patrick:
Helping SME’s build resilient, high performing teams and businesses, quickly, so they can innovate, deliver, and thrive.
The SME’s I work with typically struggle/suffer/ with one or more of these challenges:
- no clear strategy
- dysfunctional team dynamics
- not knowing their vision or mission
- feeling stuck and procrastinating
- business not growing
- leadership challenges
If you want support in helping your organisation thrive, do get in contact with me:

Sunday May 22, 2022
Sunday May 22, 2022
Eco-adventurer, Geoscientist and expedition leader Isaac Kenyon talks about the mental toughness needed to row for 3 days and 10 hrs on an indoor rowing machine with no sleep (gaining a world record); and the success of using meta-cognition for this event.
Growing up, Isaac was not always safe outside or in school, and therefore spent a lot of time indoors as a teenager. Camping and fishing trips with his dad opened up a whole new world, but not one that he embraced until he was older. University coincided with the digital revolution which had an impact on Isaac's mental health and he found that just being outside "wiped the overfull whiteboard of his mind".
Isaac combined his love of sports and being outside to help navigate mental health issues, taking on challenges that were even more about the process than the end result. Isaac developed an awareness and understanding of his own thought processes and used meta-cognition to help him through difficult situations. He broke difficult challenges down into smaller chunks - like he did with his world record indoor row, he mentally divided into 15 minute segments of time.
Isaac spoke at the United Nations COP26 and has made an internationally recognised award-winning film. He enjoys finding new adventures to challenge himself physically, mentally and spiritually - ones that give him a purpose much greater than just completing the challenge. Isaac is a Science Communicator, a TED talk speaker, and a trustee of Mind in Hertfordshire. He is always trying to find the balance of combining sport and being outdoors with digital working.
Watch the full episode on YouTube:
Connect with Isaac:
Helping SME’s build resilient, high performing teams and businesses, quickly, so they can innovate, deliver, and thrive.
The SME’s I work with typically struggle/suffer/ with one or more of these challenges:
- no clear strategy
- dysfunctional team dynamics
- not knowing their vision or mission
- feeling stuck and procrastinating
- business not growing
- leadership challenges
If you want support in helping your organisation thrive, do get in contact with me:

Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
Is there a correlation between employee happiness and customer happiness? Can emotions be translated into data to show the relationship between engagement in the workplace and the top 4 happiness drivers?
The Happiness Index co-founder Matt Phelan discusses how to analyse data on employee happiness, engagement and productivity from a neuroscience perspective, coaching his clients to use data to make effective decisions for their businesses.
Matt believes people are the future of technology, and explains what it takes for an organisation to thrive. He correlates a thriving business with a high happiness score on the Index, along with a high engagement score. Matt shows how a low happiness score even with high engagement does not lead to a culture of thriving; and he brings neuroscience into the workplace to make sense of the data.
The Happiness Index data shows the current "Great Resignation" in the UK to be emotionally driven, not rationally driven. Psychological safety; freedom to take opportunities; feelings of acknowledgement; and positive relationships are shown to be the top four happiness drivers in the workplace. Matt states that although the order of importance of some of these happiness drivers differs culturally - across the world the number one factor affecting employee happiness is having positive relationships in the workplace.
Matt is the author of Freedom to be Happy.
Watch the full episode on YouTube:
Connect with Matt:
Helping SME’s build resilient, high performing teams and businesses, quickly, so they can innovate, deliver, and thrive.
The SME’s I work with typically struggle/suffer/ with one or more of these challenges:
- no clear strategy
- dysfunctional team dynamics
- not knowing their vision or mission
- feeling stuck and procrastinating
- business not growing
- leadership challenges
If you want support in helping your organisation thrive, do get in contact with me:

Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Today I am interviewing Louise Larkum who is the Founder and Director at Mindcare Training.
Deloitte's undertook an official independent review and found that for every £1 they had spent on mental health and well-being in the workplace, they received a £5 return. Join Louise Larkum as she discusses how to create a top down culture of mental well-being in your workplace.
Louise explains how, as a leader, you can have effective conversations with employees to address mental health concerns. By carefully choosing the right environment at the right time, you can sensitively and specifically share your concerns, and give your employee the chance to be open about any current issues they may be facing - at the very least you are showing that you have noticed and you care.
Louise discusses the importance of compassionate leadership, and shares facts such as 50% of people having an episode of depression do not go on to have any further episodes in their lives. A mental health diagnosis is usually for a period of time, not for life. 80% of employees taking extended time off due to mental ill health, including stress, do not return to the same workplace. It costs a baseline of £30,000 to re-recruit, therefore a proactive culture towards mental well-being can significantly benefit your business, and most importantly could have a life-changing impact on your employees. As Louise explains, the far-reaching results of having properly trained mental health first aiders in your business cannot be overstated.
Watch the full episode on YouTube:
Connect with Louise:
Helping SME’s build resilient, high performing teams and businesses, quickly, so they can innovate, deliver, and thrive.
The SME’s I work with typically struggle/suffer/ with one or more of these challenges:
- no clear strategy
- dysfunctional team dynamics
- not knowing their vision or mission
- feeling stuck and procrastinating
- business not growing
- leadership challenges
If you want support in helping your organisation thrive, do get in contact with me:

Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
Today I am interviewing adventurer Jasmine Harrison.
At 21 years old Jasmine Harrison is the youngest female to row solo across any ocean. Jasmine recently spent 70 days rowing alone across the Atlantic, enduring capsizing, hallucinations, sleep deprivation, an inability to eat (which she was not expecting!).
Jasmine explores the importance of knowing your "why"; and how keep on overcoming challenges. She explains the power behind hearing her voice speak out loud the actions she needed to take, helping her very narrowly avoid a collision with a drilling ship.
Horrendous weather within the first few weeks was pushing her boat in the wrong direction - she would row for 18hrs making only 6 miles progress in the storm; then sleep for 2hrs only to have the boat dragged 4 miles in reverse. "It took me another 12 hours to gain back those lost 4 miles. I had to keep going though - no matter your situation, it could be worse. I knew I just had to get clear of the storm and I'd be OK."
Jasmine is currently planning a sea swim in July 2022, from Lands End to John O'Groats...
Watch the full episode on YouTube:
Connect with Jasmine:
Helping SME’s build resilient, high performing teams and businesses, quickly, so they can innovate, deliver, and thrive.
The SME’s I work with typically struggle/suffer/ with one or more of these challenges:
- no clear strategy
- dysfunctional team dynamics
- not knowing their vision or mission
- feeling stuck and procrastinating
- business not growing
- leadership challenges
If you want support in helping your organisation thrive, do get in contact with me:

Monday Apr 25, 2022
#92 Van Carlson | How to mitigate risks without taking away the reward
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Today I am interviewing Van Carlson who is the CEO at SRA 831(b) Admin.
"We don't have enough risk takers", according to Van Carlson, founder and CEO of Strategic Risk Alternatives. Van explores all things risk-related, and explains how to mitigate risks without taking away the reward. He talks about the importance of being willing to take risks, but also of the need to have a short term memory! Van discusses how to balance risk and reward in order to take even greater risks when building your business; and how to create a culture of calculated risk taking within your organisation.
Watch the full episode on YouTube:
Connect with Van:
Helping SME’s build resilient, high performing teams and businesses, quickly, so they can innovate, deliver, and thrive.
The SME’s I work with typically struggle/suffer/ with one or more of these challenges:
- no clear strategy
- dysfunctional team dynamics
- not knowing their vision or mission
- feeling stuck and procrastinating
- business not growing
- leadership challenges
If you want support in helping your organisation thrive, do get in contact with me:

Monday Apr 18, 2022
#91 Chris Howard | How to perform at your best when you feel your worst
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Today I am interviewing British adventurer Chris Howard.
"Our mantra went out the window when we left port, and it became very scary, but we used that fear."
Extreme endurance adventurer and father of three, Chris Howard chats about some of his most recent adventures, including rowing the Atlantic and walking the coast of Great Britain (a marathon a day for 450 consecutive days). He talks about how to perform at your best when you feel your worst, and how to use negativity to fuel success.
Chris was able to fund raise for Children in Need during his coast walk, knowing that disadvantaged and vulnerable children around the UK became even more at risk and often in danger during the lockdowns (childhood deprivation is an issue that Chris has first hand knowledge of from his own childhood).
Raising significant amounts of money for charity to support children became a source of inspiration during his walk. Chris explores other driving forces behind extreme challenges, and of how not to let the excuses of today become the regrets of tomorrow.
Chris had undertaken adventures as a teenager (including walking 2800 miles on the islands along the west coast of Thailand), and it was whilst at work one day he realised, "I shouldn't have been doing this every day, I should have been doing that!"
He is about to embark on rowing round the coast of Great Britain, along with publishing his book about walking around the coastline.
Watch the full episode on YouTube:
Connect with Chris:
Helping SME’s build resilient, high performing teams and businesses, quickly, so they can innovate, deliver, and thrive.
The SME’s I work with typically struggle/suffer/ with one or more of these challenges:
- no clear strategy
- dysfunctional team dynamics
- not knowing their vision or mission
- feeling stuck and procrastinating
- business not growing
- leadership challenges
If you want support in helping your organisation thrive, do get in contact with me:

Monday Apr 11, 2022
#90 Siôn Stansfield | How can high performance coexist with well-being
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Today I am interviewing Siôn Stansfield who is a Co-Founder at POINT3 Wellbeing.
Do you think of high performance when you think of well-being? In this interview we explored performance and well-being in the workplace, balancing goal achievement and well-being with my guest Sion Stansfield.
Sion discusses how to develop a sustainable approach to high performance, balancing staff well-being with business goals. He explains how having multiple goals in different areas can help us lead more holistically balanced lives, which in turn supports our business goals. Sion explores how to deal with lower performing goals, both personally and professionally; and the importance of providing space for well-being within any high performing business.
Watch the full episode on YouTube:
Connect with Sion:
Helping SME’s build resilient, high performing teams and businesses, quickly, so they can innovate, deliver, and thrive.
The SME’s I work with typically struggle/suffer/ with one or more of these challenges:
- no clear strategy
- dysfunctional team dynamics
- not knowing their vision or mission
- feeling stuck and procrastinating
- business not growing
- leadership challenges
If you want support in helping your organisation thrive, do get in contact with me: